Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Wrong Way

Just before we left, Josiah was so very close to crawling. Since we've been here, he's figured it out...sort of. The problem is, he can only go backwards. We can't help but laugh at the poor guy as he gets farther and farther away from the toy he is trying so hard to get. Yesterday, this group of teenage girls chased Sara down in the store because they wanted to take a picture of Josiah with their cell phone. We decided we should charge for pictures of him. That way we can pay for all the stuff he's broken since we've been here. (He really likes to bang things together, and he's really quick.)

1 comment:

Tom & Kandice Keegan said...

So glad to see you all are doing well. What a handsome baby boy you have! We'll be praying for your family.

-Tom & Kandice Keegan