Friday, February 13, 2009

Residence Papers Secured

Well, it has certainly been a busy week this past week or so. We went to Lima, the capital city in Peru, to pick up my mother-in-law last week. Everything went well and she arrived in good time with our field director Chris Gardner and his family; she will have the opportunity to visit us for six weeks. We are very thankful that Bro. Chris and his family are now back living permanently here in the country. Also during the time in Lima, I went to have the LASEK eye surgery performed. I have worn glasses since the sixth grade and had checked out the possiblity of my eyes being corrected back to normal. It is a procedure that can be done here in Peru at a tremendously lower price than in the States. My vision is now back to "perfect" and I am loving it. We also have been trying to get our residence papers so that we would not have to be constantly going out of the country every three months. We had been expecting to get a date sometime in the March or April, but we were pleasantly surprised to learn on this past Tuesday that we had gotten a date for yesterday to get the papers done. Thus, we went to Lima yesterday and got everything situated. Thank the Lord we got everything done in one day (which here in Peru that is saying something) in Lima and were able to fly back to Arequipa in the evening. Thank you for your prayers concerning these things. Please continue to pray because we still have to get Josiah's papers done and this process could possibly take a long while On another side note, I think that I mentioned that the exchange rate for the dollar and sole was at right about 2.80 when we arrived back in July. As of yesterday, the rate had gone up to 3.21 soles on the dollar; this is a tremendous blessing to all the missionaries here. Praise the Lord and thank you for prayers. May the Lord bless you with a wonderful day. Robert

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