Wednesday, July 22, 2009

More news

Just wanted to update everyone on how Suhjey wife of Pastor Wilber Hallasi is doing. She is doing somewhat better today but please continue to pray that her body will be able to fight off the infection that is attacking her lungs. Their baby girl, Pamela, seems to be doing better in ICU. Thank you for praying; I know that this dear family appreciates it. In Christ, Robert

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Thank you for praying. The baby girl that was delivered last night is doing well as far as the doctors can tell (Thank the Lord for that!) However, Suhjey, the mom and wife is being given a 70/30 chance of surviving; the 70 meaning that she won't survive. Please continue to pray for Pastor Wilber and his family as they go through this difficult time. God bless. Robert

Monday, July 20, 2009

Update on Sujey

Wanted to write and let you know that Sujey, Pastor Wilber's wife, made it through the night. Thank you for your prayers. They did the C section and got the baby out as well. The baby has been intubated and needs our prayers. Will know more about the situation at 1:00 EST. God bless. Robert

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Urgent Prayer

Just wanted to inform everyone of a very urgent prayer request. One of the young pastors that works with us here in Peru has a wife that is very seriously ill. She is expecting a baby and developed pneumonia during the last couple of weeks. We just received news that she (the wife) may not make it through the night. Please pray that the doctors would be able to stabilize her condition and that she would begin to recover. THIS IS VERY SERIOUS. PLEASE PRAY WITH US. God bless. Robert